Sunday, February 17, 2013


Wow....almost a full year since the last post!  Sad!!!  Maybe we can start back and stay on track with posting occasionally.  I've turned into much more of a blog reader than a blogger.  But, if there were no bloggers, then there would be no blogs to read.  So, I'm going to try to do my part to add to the blog world!  Ha!

Since we are going to be putting our house on the market in the next month or two, I've been working on projects around the house to make it look like real adults live here.  Since we've been in the mood to sell the house for around two years, it's been hard to think of sinking money into it to make it look like a home, rather than a house.  I keep putting off buying things we want because "what if it doesn't fit in our next place?"  So, I've been trying to do a little at a time so that it doesn't seem like so much!  Here is what we've done so far:

Ripped out shower with hole (from my heel) and put in a ceramic tile shower.

 Right when I moved nice and clean!

It looks much better in is so much better than that horrible white insert!

New bedding in the master and guest bedrooms.

New secretary desk for the foyer.

New photo gallery for the wall in the living room...
(I'm kind of proud that I took all of these pictures myself!  Maybe I can make photography my hobby, since Patrick says I don't have one!)

One of my new lanterns in the master bath.

We moved the cabinet from the foyer to the living room.

We definitely have a long way to go (in my mind), but we have made progress.  We're finally getting out of the college furnishings and making progress towards a home with adults!  If anyone actually reads this and has any decorating tips, they will be welcomed with open arms!  We've still got some landscaping, paint touch-ups, and a few more minor things.
The goal is to have it on the market by the end of March, but if anyone knows anyone that needs a house in Pelham, let us know! 

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